Photovoltaic Power Generation
Clean Energy
The Photovoltaic systems produce a clean energy without emitting CO2. These systems generate power in the daytime when the power demand is at its peak level, thus helping to establish a stable supply of the clean energy.
Limitless of the Sun
The total amount of the energy irradiated from the sun to the ground is enough to provide 10,000 times more than the annual global energy consumption. The Photovoltaic systems are very effective in converting the power of the sun into a usable form of energy.
Source: Prepared by ©RTS Corporation based on IEA-PVPS Task1, "Trends in Photovoltaic Application," September 2008
Renewable energy power plant
Photovoltaic Power Generation
Environmental Benefit : Helps to preserve the environment by reducing CO2 emissions
Economical Benefit : Stimulates the energy savings
Communal Benefit : Stimulates environmental consciousness
Educational Benefit : Serves as a practical educational material for the children
Disaster Prevention : Helps to secure the minimum access to the lifeline
CI(Corporate Identity) Benefit : Helps to improve the company's image by demonstrating its contribution to the environmental protection.
Types of Solar Cells
Solar cells of silicon semiconductor can be categorized into two groups: the crystalline silicon type and the thin film silicon type. Amorphous silicon type and Micromorph Tandem type belong to the thin film silicon type.In summer time when the solar radiation is plentiful, the performance of the Micromorph Tandem Photovoltaic modules improves while the conventional crystalline modules experience a sharp drop in conversion efficiency. Thus, given the same level of the Photovoltaic system output, the Micromorph Tandem photovoltaic modules generate more power than the conventional crystalline module.
The thin film Photovoltaic module is produced by directly depositing the mono-silane gas on the glass substrate.
It is environmentally sound as it requires much less energy and silicon relative to the conventional crystalline module.
Total power generated in a year by a 10 kWp system = approximately 11,300 kWh
The volume of CO2 reduction by photovoltaic system = 2,080 kg-C/year
PV system brings an effect of CO2 reduction equivalent to the CO2 reduction achieved by forestation in the area which is approximately half the size of Tokyo Dome through the process of CO2 absorption.
Striving to achieve sustainable development and growth within society while developing businesses that lower our impact on the environment.
The shrinking of the world's forests and desertification has had a major impact on the global environment, including the effect on the conservation of natural ecosystems and the reduction in the absorption of CO2 which contributes to global warming. In addition, loss of forests is also blamed for causing abnormal weather conditions. ENERCON, in understanding the important role played by potential natural forests, shall contribute to the regeneration of natural forests. The company promotes initiatives to achieve rapid regeneration through afforestation well proven Dr. Miyawaki methods from Japan which are accomplished by the dense planting of native as well as mixed plants. ENERCON has made a long-term commitment to natural forest regeneration, and strives to attain this goal through collaboration between industry, research institutions, government agencies and local citizen.